
What's brought on 林子補習班the dispute~


我在書上看到這個句子: What's brought on the dispute between the two sides? 雙方的爭論是什麼引起的? 但我認為正確的寫法應該是 What brought on the dispute between the two sides? 請問我的認知有問題嗎?若書上是對的,為何用what's ? 請各位幫忙!


what's是what has的縮寫。兩者在文法上皆正確,只是時間點不同。 請參考以下: Who has done the homework?(到目前為止,誰做過功課) Who did the homework?(在過去的某個時間點,誰有做功課) 2012-04-30 23:22:10 補充: bring on (bought on) 是一個片語,表示“引起,使某事發生”的意思,英文裡的同義詞有"cause/arise"等。整句的意思是“是什麼引起了雙方的爭論”,換句話來說就是樓主提供的中文翻譯“雙方的爭議是什麼引起的”。 2012-05-01 03:45:56 補充: bring A on B 只是其中一個用法,大多數都是直接用"bring on"。請參考以下例句: Living in damp surroundings may bring on rheumatism. The rain helped to bring on the crops. What could have brought on this fever? He has brought all the trouble on himself. 2012-05-01 04:04:14 補充: 如果照您的例句A new idea is brought on the dispute between the two sides.,改成倒裝句的話會變成怎樣? A brings on B. -> B is brought on by A. A brings B on C. -> B on C is brought by A. 例題很明顯是屬於第一種,但您的例子則是不屬於任何一種句型。 2012-05-01 04:10:11 補充: 字典例句:He has brought all the trouble on himself.(他帶來所有麻煩給自己) 倒裝句:All the trouble on him is brought by himself.(他的所有麻煩都是他自己找來的) A new idea IS brought on BY the dispute between the two sides. 一個新意念是由雙方爭論引來的 A new idea HAS brought on the dispute between the two sides. 一個新意念引發了雙方的爭論 2012-05-01 04:11:11 補充: A new idea is brought on the dispute between the two sides. ??????????? 2012-05-02 06:59:06 補充: 感謝大家的支持,因為意見區裡的一些評論與本題問題無關,所以就只針對發問者的提問,作了以下解答: what's是what has的縮寫。"what brought on"及"what has brought on"兩者在文法上皆正確,只是時間點不同。 請參考以下: Who has done the homework?(到目前為止,誰做過功課) Who did the homework?(在過去的某個時間點,誰有做功課)


贊成 nobodyfantasy +1|||||恐怕What brought on the dispute between the two sides?是不能成立的句子 what主格的話 沒法回答 因為bring是及物動詞 不成句了 What's brought on the dispute between the two sides? what受格的話 A new idea is brought on the dispute between the two sides.看起來可以 2012-04-30 23:40:56 補充: bring on (bought on) 是一個片語 可是用法:bring A on B 還是及物 2012-04-30 23:43:23 補充: 雙方的爭論帶來甚麼惡果? 我會這樣翻譯 2012-05-01 09:40:56 補充: People brings a new idea on the dispute between the two sides. 人們為雙方的爭吵帶來了一個新的想法 的確不太通 nobodyfantasy的講法合理 謝謝您的指導(不只是指正^_^) 2012-05-01 09:48:19 補充: What's brought on the dispute between the two sides? 只能=What has brought on the dispute between the two sides? 意見欄nobodyfantasy的講解非常詳盡 我獲益良多 希望他能紓尊降貴 移到解答 以正視聽 我當磚頭 衝回答數就好^__^|||||What has brought on the dispute betwen the two sides? "what's" can be either "what is" or "what has".


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