
37?Lisa﹝﹞in a gym nearby thr


37?Lisa﹝﹞in a gym nearby three times a week because she wants to lose weight.答案顯示:【B】 (A)watches out(B)works out(C)runs out(D)goes out 請問如何翻譯 為何用work out 更新: What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, red? If you ﹝41﹞, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person﹝42﹞ enjoys life 41?答案顯示:【A】 (A)do(B)are(C)like(D)know 為何是A部是B it’s a positive attitude.Being well-dressed has less to do﹝44﹞ fashion trends 44?答案顯示:【B】 (A)of(B)with(C)at(D)for 為何是B


work out 意思之一就是運動、鍛鍊、健身. From Dictionary.com work out j. to practice, exercise, or train, esp. in order to become proficient in an athletic sport: The boxers are working out at the gym tonight. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/work+out 2010-05-12 10:37:14 補充: 翻譯: 莉莎每週三次到附近的健身房運動, 因為她想要減肥. 2010-05-13 05:18:43 補充: What is 空中監獄彰化 高中數學補習班your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, red? If you ﹝41﹞, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person﹝42﹞ enjoys life 41?答案顯示:【A】 (A)do(B)are(C)like(D)know 為何是A部是B 前有Do you...?問句, 後面避免重複, 要用相同的助動詞do來省略like, 故不能用(B)are. (C)錯誤是因為少了受詞them. (D)錯誤是因為動詞不相關. 2010-05-13 05:22:28 補充: it’s a positive attitude.Being well-dressed has less to do﹝44﹞ fashion trends 44?答案顯示:【B】 (A)of(B)with(C)at(D)for 為何是B have something to do with xxx : 這是片語, 意思是"與xxx有關". 這個something也可換成anything, nothing, less(較少關聯), more(較少關聯)等.


1. 先看整個句子 --- Lisa要做什麼 - ... because she wants to lose weight. 所以她想減肥 2. 再想: Lisa 每週三次在附近的健身房能做什麼 - ... in a gym nearby three times a week... 3. 再看每個選項的意義: - watch out: 注意, 小心 / watch out for something/sombody: 小心,注意,提防某人事物 - work out: 很多不同的意義, 其中之一是: 建身, 運動 - run out: 用完; 到期 - go out: 離開 4. 縱觀全句, 該選 A, B, C 或 D 應該很明顯了吧? 若有其他疑問請別客氣! 2010-05-12 10:42:55 補充: * work out 常見的意義及例句: 1. 某個行動/行為等的結果: - Your plan didn't work out very well. - Our trip to Hua-Lien last week worked out cheaper than we expected. 2. 以特定的方式發生/發展 - Let's hope this new job works out well for him. - How is the new SOP working out? 2010-05-12 10:52:31 補充: * go out 常見的意義及例句: 1. 為某件事或某個理由離開房間或建築物 - It smells terrible here because those guys are smoking in the room. I need to go out for some fresh air. 2. 跟某人約會 - How long have you been going out with Steve? 3. 火或光熄滅 - When I woke up the fire had gone out. 2010-05-12 10:58:49 補充: * run out 常見的意義及例句: 1. 用完, 沒了 - I've run out of milk/money/ideas/patience. 2. run out of time 沒時間了;時間用盡 - We have to be in Taichung before 10:00 and we need to hurry because we're running out of time.


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